Tuesday, June 11, 2013 |Comment(s)
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| Fredfredtan says... In case you haven't heard, Disney Pixar is back with another movie. And this time, with one of the most dynamic duo that they have ever created- Mike and Sulley from Monsters Inc.! This time round, they are back, and in school- Monsters University. I am so excited! The truth is, ever since I saw their trailers in the movie theater and their huge cut-outs displayed, I've been telling B that
How can I miss out on this movie? I have been like one of the biggest fan of Pixar (if not the biggest) and catching practically ALL their productions. Up, Wall-E, Monster Inc, Toy Story 1,2,3.. Basically, you named it, I would have watched it. And I had never been let down by them. All the stories created are a perfect blend of humor and adventure with heart wrenching scenes that will leave you thinking way after the movie ends. Even though they are animations, you can't deny that the materials are always a reflection of our lives.
Plus, I have just recently graduated from NTU. The 4 years of University had been a real roller coaster ride for me. From experiencing a high from my freshmen orientation camp in Hall 14 that jump started my awesome 3-year Hall Life experience (involving lots of late night supper, night walk, night study!) to the low grades received after playing for an entire sem and not to forget going on an exchange in a foreign land! And through it all, I have the best group of friends standing by me and friends I know will be around for life. We been through thick and thin together, in fatness (supper, omg) and in health (night jogs, yeah!) and braving the exams and praying to the bell curve gods together. Those memories.. :,)
Especially since, they are clueless Freshmen in the movie! Year 1 was definitely the best year. Lost in school, not sure what adhocs to join, which group of friends to be with, adapting to hall life and adjusting to the curriculum of school! I am sure I looked exactly like Mike up there, with the gong gong look and superb excited face then! Haha. (I actually have B to vouch for that.)
And I totally remember my first clubbing experience in University (basically my first ever in my life!) Looking totally lost, like a fish out of water! But I had my roomie and hall friends around to protect me and a superb enjoyable time.
University is like a time for meeting new people and having new experiences. (Many of which, you will probably look at and laugh back! "What was I thinking? Doing those crazy stuff during my FOC days! So embarrassing!!") And there are those memories you want to keep forever.
Moreover, both University and Pixar gave me one of the best experience in life. That is meeting B. Hahah. You must be thinking, "Ya, I can understand University but why Pixar?" B was my University Senior and we were from the same Orientation group in Hall. We both only opened up to one another after the camp, but he was just like any other seniors. I was really this gong gong Freshie in year 1, always in my bubble, but I eye-candied B then. Wahaha, but I had no idea that it was an open secret!! So on my 20th birthday, B was sabo-ed so badly- forced to wear Bunny ears to surprise me (I was initially kept in a box so I had no idea) and he had to feed me cake for the two celebrations in hall (which they insist was a tradition that I hadn't heard of!)
OMG. All the embarrassing photos I am sharing. But what great memories. And because of all these, it sort of started everything? Hahaha. In 2010, Pixar came to Singapore and had an exhibition at the Science Center. And B asked me out. Once again, I was so gong gong, I didn't realize that it was a date initially! Haha, plus he wasn't even explicit. He just asked if I heard of the exhibition and if I want to go! So sneaky right!
And so my first EVER date was at a Pixar Exhibition. Haha. I wanted to take lots of photos, but no photography was allowed. And so I ended up with only one picture that day at the exhibition and it was... Mike and Sulley!! Hahah. Yes! They were placed at the end and the only area to take photograph with. I was so excited, I think I even squealed. (Damn embarrassing to do that on a first date actually!) But I didn't take a shot with them because I was drenched from the rain earlier on. (Like how romantic right? HAHA) And so after saying so much,
And if you people need convincing to catch this movie, watch this trailer!! You will be sold!
Plus, not to forgot, Pixar always include one more short film before the actual movie! So it's like 2 movies for 1 ticket price! :D So excited. But of cause, I still want to win those passes! Hahah!
And for all of you out there, Catch Disney•Pixar’s “Monsters University”in Singapore cinemas this 20 June 2013! For more updates, like the Official Walt Disney Studios Singapore Facebook Page, follow @disneystudiosSG and subscribe to the Official Disney Studios Singapore YouTube Channel!
P.S. To find out if you are eligible for studies at Monsters University, you can also participate in the Monsters Aptitude Test (M.A.T.) on the Facebook page & stand to win exclusive premiums!
P.S.S: My youtube account is iceagegal (I haven't uploaded videos yet though, maybe in the near future! *winks), twitter is fredfredtan. (: